World Rankings

Explore our comprehensive and ever-growing ranking datasets covering geographic size, quality of life, and cost of living in countries throughout the world.

Geographic Size

Largest Countries in the World

This ranking provides a table of the largest countries in the world by total area, including both land and water bodies.

Largest States in the United States

This ranking provides a table of the largest states in the United States by total area, including both land and water bodies.

Countries with the Most Coastline

This ranking provides a table of the amount of coastline on a per country basis.

Quality of Life (by country)


This ranking provides a table of countries by HIV/AIDs prevalence.

Adult Obesity Rate

This ranking provides a table of countries by adult obesity rate.

Life Expectancy

This ranking provides a table of countries by life expectancy.

Maternal Mortality Rate

This ranking provides a table of countries by maternal mortality rate (deaths per 1,000 live births).

Infant Mortality Rate

This ranking provides a table of countries by infant mortality rate (deaths per 1,000 live births).

Literacy Rate

This ranking provides a table of countries by literacy rate.

Birth Rate

This ranking provides a table of countries by birth rate (babies per 1,000 people).

Education Expenditures

This ranking provides a table of countries by education expenditures.

Health Expenditures

This ranking provides a table of countries by health expenditures.

Internet Access

This ranking provides a table of countries by internet access.

Drinking Water Access

This ranking provides a table of countries by drinking water access.

Electricity Access

This ranking provides a table of countries by electricity access.

Poverty Line

This ranking provides a table of countries by population living under the poverty line.

Unemployment Rate

This ranking provides a table of countries by unemployment rate.

GDP per Capita

This ranking provides a table of countries by GDP per capita.

Cost of Living

Top Tax Rate by Country

This ranking provides a table of countries by top tax rate.