Cost of living in Morristown
compared to
Cost of living in Morristown vs. United States overall average
Morristown is 13.1% more expensive than United States overall.
- Restaurants
pay 19.8% more in Morristown
- Groceries
pay 33.0% more in Morristown
- Transportation
pay 4.8% more in Morristown
- Housing
pay 21.6% more in Morristown
- Childcare
pay 1.1% more in Morristown
- Entertainment and Sports
pay 11.1% more in Morristown
- Clothing
pay 0.5% more in Morristown
The cost of groceries, housing, restaurants, entertainment and sports, transportation, and childcare in Morristown are more expensive than in United States.
Morristown Cost of Living Breakdown
Range | |
Basic meal with drink at inexpensive restaurant | $20.00 |
Fast food combo meal
McDonalds, or similar
$12.00 |
Bottle of Coca-Cola (11 fl. oz) | $2.60 |
Bottle of water (11 fl. oz) | $3.00 |
Morristown - Cost of restaurants
Improve prices ·
Change currency (USD)
Range | |
1 loaf
$4.04 |
Local cheese (8 oz) | $12.86 |
Milk (1 gallon) | $4.08 |
1 dozen
$4.00 |
Boneless chicken breast (1 lb) | $3.00 |
Apples (1 lb) | $3.33 |
Bananas (1 lb) | $1.15 |
Oranges (1 lb) | $2.42 |
Tomatoes (1 lb) | $5.25 |
Potatoes (1 lb) | $1.24 |
Onions (1 lb) | $1.67 |
Morristown - Cost of groceries
Improve prices ·
Change currency (USD)
Range | |
Gasoline (1 gallon) | $3.45 |
Monthly public transit pass | ?? |
New Volkswagen Golf 1.4 (standard edition) | $24,000.00 |
Taxi trip in downtown area (5 miles) | $25.46 |
Morristown - Cost of transportation
Improve prices ·
Change currency (USD)
Range | |
Internet connection
50 mbps or faster, cable/dsl
$57.33 |
1-Bedroom apartment in downtown area | $2,150.00 |
1-Bedroom apartment outside city center | $2,550.00 |
Utilities for two
(700 sq ft apartment)
including electric, gas, water, heating
$137.65 |
Morristown - Cost of housing
Improve prices ·
Change currency (USD)
Range | |
Private preschool for 1 child, monthly | $1,366.67 |
Middle school for 1 child, two semesters | ?? |
Morristown - Cost of childcare
Improve prices ·
Change currency (USD)
Range | |
Domestic/local beer (1 pint) | $5.00 |
Cappuccino in mid-range area | $5.00 |
Pack of cigarettes
Marlboro or similar
$11.00 |
Monthly membership at local gym | $73.00 |
Movie ticket to theater/cinema | $15.00 |
Morristown - Cost of entertainment and sports
Improve prices ·
Change currency (USD)
Range | |
Regular jeans
Levi's brand
$40.00 |
Regular dress
from H&M or similar store
$19.00 |
Running shoes
Nike or Adidas
$80.00 |
Men's business shoes (leather) | $202.50 |
Morristown - Cost of clothing
Improve prices ·
Change currency (USD)
Tip: Try viewing our aggregate cost of living in New Jersey
to see the average cost of cities throughout New Jersey, like
Seaside Heights,
Bergen County,
Scotch Plains,
and more.
For a detailed breakdown of Santa Cruz vs. the national average, see the cost of living in United States compared to Morristown.
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