Cost of living comparison

compared to
New Orleans vs. Ireland Cost of Living Summary

New Orleans is 19.4% more expensive than Ireland overall.

pay 34.4% more in New Orleans
pay 60.8% more in New Orleans
pay 36.3% less in New Orleans
pay 23.7% more in New Orleans
pay 54.0% more in New Orleans
Entertainment and Sports
pay 3.5% more in New Orleans
pay 4.4% less in New Orleans

The cost of groceries, childcare, restaurants, housing, and entertainment and sports in New Orleans are more expensive than in Ireland. Expenses including transportation and clothing are lower in New Orleans.

New Orleans vs. Ireland Cost Breakdown

If you lived in New Orleans instead of Ireland, you would:

pay 34.4% more for restaurants

New Orleans
Basic meal with drink at inexpensive restaurant $17.71
Fast food combo meal
McDonalds, or similar
Bottle of Coca-Cola (11 fl. oz) $2.15

Improve prices ·

pay 60.8% more for groceries

New Orleans
1 loaf
Local cheese (8 oz) $4.12
Milk (1 gallon) $5.05

Improve prices ·

pay 36.3% less for transportation

New Orleans
Gasoline (1 gallon) $7.11
Monthly public transit pass $119.47
New Volkswagen Golf 1.4 (standard edition) $37,943.34

Improve prices ·

pay 23.7% more for housing

New Orleans
Internet connection
50 mbps or faster, cable/dsl
1-Bedroom apartment in downtown area $1,406.76
1-Bedroom apartment outside city center $1,187.82

Improve prices ·

pay 54.0% more for childcare

New Orleans
Private preschool for 1 child, monthly $996.31
Middle school for 1 child, two semesters $6,771.62

Improve prices ·

pay 3.5% more for entertainment and sports

New Orleans
Domestic/local beer (1 pint) $5.94
Cappuccino in mid-range area $3.80
Pack of cigarettes
Marlboro or similar

Improve prices ·

pay 4.4% less for clothing

New Orleans
Regular jeans
Levi's brand
Regular dress
from H&M or similar store
Running shoes
Nike or Adidas

Improve prices ·
The statistics used to build this comparison are calculated using data from users just like you. We average the price of thousands of data points entered by users across the world. Learn more about our data sources. Page last updated: January 2025
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