Quality of life comparison
If you lived in Germany instead of Austria, you would:
be 10.9% more likely to be obese
In Austria, 20.1% of adults are obese as of 2016. In Germany, that number is 22.3% of people as of 2016.
be 41.8% less likely to be unemployed
In Austria, 5.2% of adults are unemployed as of 2023. In Germany, that number is 3.0% as of 2023.
pay a 13.6% lower top tax rate
Austria has a top tax rate of 55.0% as of 2016. In Germany, the top tax rate is 47.5% as of 2016.
be 20.0% less likely to die during childbirth
In Austria, approximately 5.0 women per 100,000 births die during labor as of 2020. In Germany, 4.0 women do as of 2020.
spend 11.3% more on healthcare
Austria spends 11.5% of its total GDP on healthcare as of 2020. In Germany, that number is 12.8% of GDP as of 2020.
The statistics above were calculated using the following data sources: The World Factbook, Federal Central Tax Office (BZSt), Federal Ministry of Finance.
Germany: At a glance
How big is Germany compared to Austria? See an in-depth size comparison.