Quality of life comparison
compared to
If you lived in Heard Island and McDonald Islands instead of New Caledonia, you would:
see 95.5% less coastline
New Caledonia has a total of 2,254 km of coastline. In Heard Island and McDonald Islands, that number is 102 km.
The statistics above were calculated using the following data sources: The World Factbook.
Heard Island and McDonald Islands: At a glance
Heard Island and McDonald Islands (sometimes abbreviated HIMI) is a sovereign country in Antarctica, with a total land area of approximately 412 sq km. The United Kingdom transferred these uninhabited, barren, sub-Antarctic islands to Australia in 1947. Populated by large numbers of seal and bird species, the islands have been designated a nature preserve.
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How big is Heard Island and McDonald Islands compared to New Caledonia? See an in-depth size comparison.